We combine practical management experience with proven strategies to build exceptional brokerages.

We provide boots-on-the-ground, tactical solutions to help you refine your business, generate more revenue and retain more profit.

The Benefits

Insights into your operations

Get insight into potential problem areas in your operations and recommended solutions.

Insights into your operations

Get insight into potential problem areas in your operations and recommended solutions.

Sound advice for every challenge

Get help navigating every real estate challenge you have in your office.

Sound advice for every challenge

Get help navigating every real estate challenge you have in your office.

Recruit and retain the best agents

Get advice on how to recruit productive agents who fit well within your culture.

Recruit and retain the best agents

Get advice on how to recruit productive agents who fit well within your culture.

Realty check your business goals

Get sound advice to ensure your goals are aligned with your long-term vision.

Realty check your business goals

Get sound advice to ensure your goals are aligned with your long-term vision.

How it Works

Online Assessments

We understand that every branch manager is different, that’s why we partner with an internationally recognized research company to uncover what makes you tick.

Before your first session even begins, you will complete a proprietary online assessment which give us deep insight into your strengths, weaknesses, motivations and skill set. We want to learn what type real estate experience you have? How long have you been managing? How many agents do you oversee and what is it you’d like most to accomplish. This knowledge allows us to match you with the perfect coach to meet your specific management needs.

Agent Coaching

Video Conferencing

Every month you have two interactive video conference sessions with your coach.

These private coaching sessions are focused on goal setting, accountability and applying tactical activities to move you closer toward your goals. You will receive an extensive business planning tool which will help you forecast your operating expenses, set recruiting targets and analyze commission splits to maximize your profits while staying competitive.

In-office Virtual Training Tools

You receive a state-of-the-art virtual training system to hold group training sessions in your office.

Recruiting great salespeople is the first step. Motivating and training them to higher production is the foundation of a successful office. This training system includes 24 sessions on different sales topics to help your agents run successful sales practices. Each session can be delivered in 2 hours. You can run all 24 sessions as a complete course and hold your agents accountable to their activities between sessions, or you can host one-off sessions to address the skills they need at any given time. You can easily build on the training content with your own company materials, policies and discussions around your local market conditions.

Focus Areas


Our elite team of management coaches have extensive experience in running successful, profitable real estate offices. We combine practical management experience with proven strategies to build exceptional brokerages. Our coaching is not theoretical. We provide boots-on-the-ground, tactical solutions to help you refine your business. We can help you recruit and retain the best talent, run a more profitable operation, calm the chaos, and hone your leadership skills. Your coaching plan is customized to fit your specific needs.

Financial Management

We help you understand your brokerage financials and build a plan to maximize your profits. We cover basic P&L components, gross revenue, operating expenses, net profitability, cash flow, key revenue drivers such as per person productivity, average sale price, average commission rate, average percentage retained, financial versus management reporting, agent quartiling, positive listing base, occupancy analysis, and market share. We help you get control of your business and your finances.

Recruiting to Your Culture

We help you set recruiting goals that align with your business plan, segment recruits based on time in the business, production, specialization and geography, utilize recruiting tools and techniques to fill your pipeline, and improve your interviewing skills to hire the best agents who fit within your company culture.

Retain the Best Talent

It starts from day one with an in-depth onboarding process. We help you retain a loyal salesforce by creating an amazing culture, recognizing excellence, providing top-notch coaching and training, driving productivity, hosting stellar meetings, and managing staff.

Thoughts From Our Community

“The Leader’s Edge Management Program is innovative, insightful, thorough, and thought-provoking…. It profoundly affected the way I look at my business.”

Stan Cho, Broker/Owner, Royal LePage New Concepts, Toronto

Leader’s Edge can help you recruit and retain the best talent, run a more profitable operation, or hone your leadership skills.

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